HorseBack Riding Crossing the Andes - Malargüe

A unique experience, 7 days- horseback Riding through the mountains of southern Mendoza

  • Start Date : Request!
  • Hora Inicio: 13 pm
    Hora Fin: 18 pm
  • Meeting Point:El Sosneado - San Rafael
    End: El Sosneado - San Rafael
  • Duration:5 days
    Availability: 15 spots
HorseBack Riding Crossing the Andes


Crossing the Andes on horseback - South of Cuyo

A trip to the heart of the Andes Mountains in southern of Mendoza, where the mountains preserve large lagoons, waterfalls and eternal snows.

The route is round trip. We reach the border with Chile and return to the same starting point, in Argentina.

The beginning and the end are in  El Sosneado.


2020 Calendar - Crossing the Andes To the Limit Horseback Riding:

The programs will start on Tuesdays.

  • January 4 to 8
  • January 18 to 22
  • February 8 to 12
  • March 8 to 12

You can request a special date (not on the calendar) for special groups of more than 10 people , from Sunday to Saturday, from December to March.


Previous note: it is convenient to spend the night before in San Rafael, El Sosneado or Malargue, since the expedition starts early the next day. If you travel by car, you should park it at El Sosneado´s parador, where it is under care.

Day 1: The meeting point is in El Sosneado at 11:30hs. Guides presentation, general equipment check and brief talk. Transfer along Route 40 to the abandoned El Sosneado´s Thermal Hotel, about 50 km northwest of the homonymous town. Short descent and visit the old ruins. Lunch. Then we continue along the road by vehicle almost to the bottom of the valley, to the Azufre mine. First section on horseback to Ojo de Agua´s  camp. First night in the mountains.

Day 2: Second stretch. We will go to the majestic Valley,  with views of Cerro El Sosneado, the southernmost hill of more than 5000 meters in America. We will reach a high point, in the middle of the mountain , for our second Ojo de Agua camp. About 4 hours. Free afternoon to relax and enjoy the surroundings.

Day 3: Third day of horseback riding to one of the border landmarks with our neighboring country Chile. Return to the hot springs camp. Break. 

Day 4: This day we will analyze the conditions to be able to acces  to the border limit with Chile. Then we will continue behind the Overo Volcano to the Laguna del Atuel. Time of enjoy next to the lagoon and its waterfalls. In the afternoon we will continue to the first camp in Ojo de Agua. Farewell dinner and last night in the mountains.

Day 5: Last stretch on horseback, where we will finally come across the route of the first day- Farewell lunch and transfer back to the town of El Sosneado. End of the trip, approximately 18:00 p.m.


Note 1: All horses are properly trained and prepared to ride in mountainous areas and our local guides have the best conditions and knowledge of the place. It is not necessary to have previous rider experience.

Note 2Active programme with medium-high demand and suitable apt for over 12, and under 60 years old (cases outside these age ranges will be evaluated). There are steep climbs and descents, but there are not places with risk of major falls. 

Note 3Program subject to climatic, geographical or political conditions. Modifications can occur in function of circumstances and diverse factors. The decisions will be taken exclusively by the local guides and tour leaders.

Note 4: Minors who do not travel with their parents must travel with a dependent adult and submit parental authorization certified by a notary. In case of traveling with one of the parents, they must present the authorization of the other one.

Note 5: All participants must present a medical certificate, where the attending physician authorizes him/her to do the activity.

Personal Accidents Insurance:

From the place of eventuality, we cover the primary medical assistance, stabilization of the passenger, evacuation costs and transfer to the nearest Medical Assistance Center . Once the passenger is entered into the health system, the coverage of the passenger Medical Insurance informed in the personal file online, starts working.

Included Services
  • Private -transfer from and to Sosneado
  • Full board in the mountains (from lunch on Day 1 to breakfast on Day 5)
  • 4 Nights of accommodation in base camp
  • Guides, coordinators and baqueanos.
  • Equipped horses and properly prepared for this type of mountain expeditions.
  • Mandatory helmet
  • Tents.
  • General mountain safety equipment.
  • General camping logistics (pots, heaters, security elements , etc.)
  • Personal accident insurance.
  • Prior advice with photos, maps and necessary material
  • Satellite phone for emergencies
  • Permanent assistance.

Services NOT included
  • Trip to El sosneado
  • Personal equipment (special sleeping bags can be rented)
  • Tips

Photo and Video Gallery

Where do you sleep

4 nights in igloo tents for 2/3 people


Do I have to know how to ride a horse and / or have previous experience in the activity?

Yes, it is necessary to have a minimum experience. It is requested to have at least a 4-hour ride experience in the last year. The horses are prepared to receive people with little experience and the adaptation process is significantly fast. The modality is "on the way", one horse behind the other.

Do we ride a lot every day?

The route is calm.On the first day the ride lasts only two hours in order to go gradually entering into the rhythm and then, on the following days, we ride about 2/3 hours in the morning and another 2/3 hours in the afternoon .

Do I have to wear a helmet?

Yes, in the same way as we get on a bicycle we wear it, or when we climb, or when we do high altitude mountaineering, it is a mandatory safety requirement for the activity (it will be provided by the company).

How many people are in the groups?

As a maximum of 20 people + the staff of guides and baqueanos

What is the limit age to take part of the group?

We suggest from 12 years to 65 years old. Very young children do not end up enjoying the experience but there are 10 year-old kids who already have the body build to do it (cases outside these age ranges will be evaluated).

What are the indispensable requirements that are requested?
  • Being an active person. Working out, training, in any of its modalities, works very well.
  • be advised  that you are going to sleep in a tent and in the high mountain range. Up there anything can happen, from a snowstorm to a windy climate.
  • Weighing less than 110 Kg. (250 lbs)
  • Minors who do not travel with their parents must travel with a dependent adult and submit parental authorization certified by a notary. In case of traveling with one of the parents, they must present the other one´s authorization.
Do we cross to Chile?

The route is round trip up to the limit. We do not sleep in Chile or end up in that country.

Do you have to go through Customs? 

You must always carry an identity document, although we don't do customs procedures.

What is the menu in the mountain?

Our mountain menus are varied. From pastas with tasty sauces to stews or grilled meats (chivito argentino). Antipastos, salads and fast digestion meals are common at noon. It is necessary to complete the personal / medical record to clarify if someone does not eat some type of food.

Are there bathrooms/toilets?

No. There are no toilets or chemical toilets. Everything is done in nature, delimiting sectors. And you have to maintain the hygiene of the place, taking the papers with you.

Do I carry a bag, a large backpack, a small backpack ... what do I carry?

Each one must carry their personal luggage in a bag or large backpack to Malargüe.  Personal equipment will be loaded in 2 (two) saddlebags of 30 liters  (small bag to hang in the saddle of the horse). All personal equipment is carried in the saddlebags.

What happens if someone needs to be evacuated for any reason?

Almost all the camps have escape routes to be able to be in a few hours in the vehicular road. Our baqueanos and guides are trained to solve first aid and / or evacuation issues, which are very infrequent. We also have a satellite monitoring system, where in case of an emergency you can send a satellite message requesting assistance.

Can I take my drone to the expedition?

The use of Drones during the ride is prohibited due to safety issues. In case of carrying a small one, its use in the camp is allowed  with the exclusive permission of the guides

Difficulty graduation

Caballo: Duración de la Jornada.

Exigencia Física

Técnico: Dificultad en el Terreno / Equipo.

Fortaleza Psicológica

Exposición a la Altura

Horse Riding (C)

This point has to do with the weight that we must carry in our backpacks. Trekkings or crossings where we have pack animals allow us to bear less weight on our backs. And the multi-day journeys in Patagonia (without the option of having pack mules) generally make us carry more weight, especially in the early days.

20% of a day, without unevenness or requirement. Example: Pampas horseback riding, initiation workshop

40% horseback riding in the sierras, one or more days: Córdoba, San Luis.

60% Horseback riding in the mountains for 3 or 4 days or in the north of Argentina for several days.

80% Andean Crossing Horseback riding up to 3000 meters (double crossing x Las Loicas).

100% Andean Crossing Horseback Riding up to more than 4000 meters. (Sanmartiniana Los Patos).

Fitness (F)

We consider physical demands to the wear that we can suffer both aerobic (climbs = possible shortness of breath) and muscle (resistance = many hours walking) and of legs and joints (descents = knees / ankles).

20% half a day or less with little unevenness.

40% more sustained unevenness and longer working days

60% Long ascents and descents with a longer duration.

80% Demanding effort of legs in resistance. Very long days.

100% Maximum demand. Aerobic and constant force leg work

Technical (T)

The technical difficulty is mainly based on the handling of the horse and the actions to be performed.

20% prairie / pampa.

40% trails with moderate ups and downs.

60% Steeper slopes and trails.

80% Steep descents and ascents.

100% Very steep descents and ascents.

Psycho (P)

We maintain that this point, the psychological factor, represents a relevant factor. Each one needs a factor of conviction, confidence, self-control and will power to achieve a goal. And depending on the attitude with which we face distances, slopes, terrain and many other objective factors, we can achieve performance with very different results.

20% We will not be much affected.

40% This is a normal level of attention.

60% We require more motivation, enthusiasm and concentration.

80% The activity will require us to be very connected and convinced.

100% Maximum control and emotional-psychological performance.

Adventures (A)

It is the factor that, the height above sea level, influences us depending on the activity we carry out. Managing and overcoming symptoms caused by altitude is the key to this point

0% + sea level.

20% Up to 2000 masl.

40% + 2000 masl.

60% + 4000 masl.

80% + 5000 masl.

100% + 6000 masl.

Gradual Adventure Activity Difficulty System designed by Leandro Scheurle.
Copyright © 2009. All rights reserved.

Required equipment

MANDATORY REQUIRED EQUIPMENT *** (If this equipment is not taken, the guides reserve the right to define your participation)
  • Warm sleeping bag (between -2° and -5° degrees comfort) ***
  • Windbreaker waterproof parka with hood (in case it is not waterproof, please add in your equipment a  rain coat)***
  • Sun Glasses (recommended with UV protection, with protective strips). ***
  • Warm Gloves. (ski or mountain type) ***
  • National ID or Passport (as applicable) ***
  • Physically Fit*** (where your GP indicates that you are fit to perform this activity).
  • Authorization in case of Minors *** (permission before notary  or before the authorities that correspond, according to the place of birth)

NOTE: The following is the list of required equipment according to layers, in reference to the mandatory technical equipment ***.

  • 2 pairs of high socks
  • 2 long sleeves shirts (for riding and for protection from the sun)
  • 1 pair of thermal leggings (it can be made of lycra).
  • 2 short sleeve t-shirts
  • 1 buff / multifunctional headwear
  • 2 long pair of trousers, if possible, for fast drying (trekking trousers without zippers and long thermal trousers or trousers - NO JEAN, NO CORDEROY)
  • 2 sweaters or sweatshirts (recommended 1 fine polar + 1 thick polar) ***
  • 1 polar or wool cap ***
  • 1 pair of fleece gloves
  • 1 Hooded windbreaker and waterproof windbreaker (recommended mountain parka ultrex, goretex or others.) ***
  • 1 pair of coat gloves (ski or mountain type) ***
  • 1 swimsuit
  • 1 pair of footwear to rest your feet. (crocks, flip flops, alapargatas)
  • 1 pair of high-top trekking shoes or riding boots, in case you do not have boots get leather spats ***
  • Front flashlight or small flashlight w / spare batteries ***
  • Sun Glasses (recommended with UV protection, with protective strips) *** ***
  • Bottle or container for water up to 1 liter, to drink.
Hygiene elements and personal care
  • Sunscreen (factor 40 or higher) ***
  • 1 small towel
  • Wet wipes for sanitizing.
  • Personal medication
  • Moisturizing lotions
  • Lip balm
  • Brush and toothpaste set.
  • A small soap / shampoo
  • Toilet paper.

National ID ***

 Medical insurance***

Full personal file online ***

Helth Insurance or travel Assintance***

OPTIONAL, not mandatory (see space and weight)

 Feather coat jacket.

 SILVER TAPE tape , for repairs.

 Steel thermos

 Monocle. Photographic or video equipment

 Book, notebook, travel diary, pencil, pen


  1. The personal equipment during the ride will be carried in the saddlebags. Do not carry backpack.
  2. Do not bring: Insulated sleeping pad.
  3. First aid kits:  take only personal medication

The use of HELMET provided by the company is mandatory.

  1. The personal bags, with the rest of the luggage that does not go to the riding, can be left (safely) in the farm where we started.



Rental Equipment

Trekking sleeping bag

Booking in Advance

US$ 16 + options

Pair of Trekking Poles

Booking in Advance

US$ 10 + options

Rental mittens

Booking in Advance

US$ 8 + options

Pair of Crampons

Booking in Advance

US$ 15 + options

Rental : helmet, crampons and ice ax

Booking in Advance

US$ 36 + options

Combo Top: helmet, crampons, ice ax and full harness

Booking in Advance

US$ 50 + options

Category 3 sunglasses - Shepra Julbo Spectrom

Booking in Advance

US$ 5 + options

Backpack for trekking and mountaineering - Woman

Booking in Advance

US$ 10 + options

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RECOMENDACION: Pueden comunicarse de formar directa al 54 9 1173648678
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Cabalgando los andes, un producto AEX S.R.L - Argentina Extrema ® - Ascenso23 EVT Leg:16396 - Disp:1532/15
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